I was then called to move out to Tofino in 2020, where I dove deeper into my wounds, my shadows. During that time, I spent a lot of it in hermit mode, walking the beaches, surfing the cold winter months and watching the winter storms come in. There were a lot of lessons, a lot of learnings that happened during this time - found myself facing my biggest fears: losing my home and going completely broke at the same time.

Thing is I got a little too comfortable in the shadows that I thought it was my normal. Until I realized I actually wanted to be happy and have fun. I decided it was time to move back to Whistler - where I play! But I did not want to let go of Tofino completely, the west coast is something else and it is a place of healing for me. Between the ocean and the storms - there is a depth that I continue to discover there. The vision I had in 2016 of living by the oceans and the mountains has officially come true.

Nestling in the Coast Mountains full time where I play - snowboard, hiking, jumping in the lakes and any other adventures that come my way. I peak in part time on the West Coast where I meet the ocean, surf its waters, watch the storms and nap&tan on the beach on the sunnier days.


Hi! So my story has so many parts to it and my purpose is eventually to share it with you on my podcast. For now - a little snippet!

It is 2016 - I thought my life was heading one direction, then it completely changed and I found myself moving back at my parent’s place to heal. At the time I thought I was heading for the corporate ladder, marriage, kids - but deep down I knew I wanted more out of life. I stubbled upon the coaching world and finding out that what I do actually desire is indeed possible.

I packed up my car, drove across my country (Canada) in 2018 to move out to BC. Initially, I started out in Whistler for 2 years where I found myself opening up to the spiritual world. My spiritual journey began there where I dove deep into crystals, tarot, chakra systems, human design, meditation, manifestation, moon cycles and discovering/understanding my intuition.